Card Project Examples

You might be thinking, 'These templates look great, but what do the finished cards actually look like?'

Good question! Here are some examples of cards we've created for companies looking to boost customer engagement and make their brands more memorable.

Get Your Own Cards

Our examples have been industrial-related, but we can make custom trading cards for just about anything you want.

For instance, they are perfect for sales teams, as a funny item to keep in the office and as a much more memorable alternative to business cards. Most people throw out business cards but are more likely to hold onto a custom card they haven’t seen a thousand times before.

Of course, our cards are also great for children's sports teams. Imagine the look on their faces when you bring them custom cards! We bet they haven’t seen these on TikTok.

Or, perhaps you know someone with a birthday coming up, who is “impossible” to buy for. Leave the socks for somebody lse to gift wrap. Why not get a pack of custom cards, listing some of the birthday person's quirks, accomplishments, and qualities?

The possibilities for custom cards really are endless.