Tennis Profile Trading Card Template

Introducing a new design template for tennis stars, here is our CustomTennis Profile Trading Card Template specially designed for people who want to acknowledge remarkable skills off the field.
From the first look, the card is simple, with an attractive color combination that feels good to the eyes. 
Let’s discuss the front and back of this new tennis card template.

The Front

The front of the card has a big and clear picture of the player in action. You will see a zoomed-in flag in the background.
We have focused on highlighting the “signature” of the tennis stars in this template. A big signature is printed on the bottom center of the card with Player's Name” written in white over a blue background. The overall white and blue color combination reflects the Tennis League Logo.

The Back

The back of the card is super simple. It is white with player's signature printed as a watermark. On top of it, there is theTennis League logo with “Legends ”and “Signature Series” written below it.
Finally, at the very bottom, we have included our company’s name and website for easy access to Card Makers. 



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